
Get Your Facebook Ads Approved

Facebook ads are in pending review for weeks now, so how do I get them approved and set up for my campaign? All ads are not created equal and if you are looking for a cost-effective way of advertising your business then you need to use Google AdWords, as it is the best online advertising platform. Bad Ass Marketers Joshua is going to reveal the top 3 secrets to Facebook ad approval and will reveal to you how to get started today!

The most important secret to Facebook advertising success is to use the right keywords in your ad and you can search using these keywords or use the ones you have in mind. This is important because Facebook ads are judged based on keywords, which are used within the ad itself. So, the more specific your ad is to what your target audience wants, the more chances of the ad being approved. Another thing to consider is to test different keywords that you have chosen until you find one that is going to bring you the highest number of clicks.

To start your Google AdWords campaign you need to sign up for a free account, but remember, this is your money. With the Google AdWords account, you have to create a landing page that can capture visitors to click on your ads, which is why this page should have relevant information. Once you have this page ready and you have a good quality headline and a well-written copy then you are ready to go!

Google AdWords has a set of rules and guidelines that need to be followed in order to get your campaign approved, if you break any of the rules then you may be banned from using the system, so read the guidelines completely before you begin! Once your landing page has been approved and set up you need to begin your ad campaign with a couple of ads that you can test and see which ones bring the most clicks and hits!

When you have tested your ads and are happy with their performance then you need to create a new campaign and change your landing page, but still using the same keywords that you used in the previous campaigns you created. The goal here is to set yourself up with some keyword research that will help you create targeted ads that will be clicked by your target market.

The last thing you need to know about Facebook ads is that you will need to use all of the tools available to you for optimization and this includes using the ‘Insights’ feature to optimize your ad your ads and make them stand out. You can also use ‘Lite Studio’ which helps you with all the basic ad’s creation, as well as it is an online community. After you have optimized your ad then you are ready to launch your ad campaign and see results in just a few days.

Getting your Facebook ads approved can be done in the first two weeks, however, the time it takes for your ad to show up on the main page will vary depending on the network. If you have a good campaign in place then you can get your ad in place in as little as a day, but if your campaign is a little less successful then it may take a few weeks to see results. For the longest amount of time it will take your ad to show on the homepage.

If you are having any problems getting your ad approved, you can contact Facebook and ask them if they have any questions, they will give you helpful hints on how to get started with your campaign! Remember, your ads can make or break your campaign!